Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Busy day's

after two months no posting any pictures its about time again now . No we was not hanging around and enjoy the beach life.
We are working on the project every day as you can see on the following pictures.

This picture is done from the dive shop view deck towards to the resort.

And this is the view from rooms towards to the resort and dive shop.

view from the rooms to the beach well still need to do a lot of clean-up.

retaining wall by the view deck dive shop will be covered with natural stones .

going up from the view deck dive shop to view deck restaurant and rooms and villa's .

view from the view deck restaurant, this little building at the front is our bodega and will be removed after construction .

restaurant area .

the back wall of the restaurant will be covered as well with natural stone .

bar and lounge area

kitchen is almost done waiting for the delivery of the counter top .

a lot of space very important for the kittchen .

the first door example i have made, accepted and approved

in one week we will start with the pool  . digging again :-( but it will look amazing !!!!
pool area view from the rooms .

All in all we are doing good here . well sometimes we have realy bad weather , typhoon etc. and it make it very hard to build in this bad conditions.
But we go on !!!!


  1. Wow, da ist aber was gegangen seit unserem letzten Besuch! Ab wann kann ich einen Drink an der Bar nehmen? :-) Bis die Tage. Kalle

  2. hahaha klar einen drink bekommst du immer ! aber bis du den an der bar zu dir nehmen kannst kann noch dauern da gibts was spezieles als tecke ;-) aber sonst habe ich auch einen tisch der zur verfuegung steht jeder zeit !!
